Renuva Allograft Adipose Matrix Injections in Beverly Hills: What You Need to Know
We all experience age related loss of fat in the face and body, and may also have areas that would benefit from targeted smoothing with volume. Renuva® Fat-Derived Filler Injections are a short in-office, non-invasive method of restoring lost volume. This procedure gently stimulates the natural production of your body’s own fat over time, resulting in plumper, healthier, younger looking skin, reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, reduction of scars and dimpling, and overall enhanced contours.
Dr. Anita Patel is one of the premier plastic surgeons to offer Renuva in the Beverly Hills area.
Renuva injections can be used to beautify a variety of areas of the body, including the face, breasts, and hands. Some specific uses include camouflaging visible rippling along breast implants, smoothing contour irregularities after liposuction, improving the appearance of flattened scars, rejuvenating the back of the hands, and adding volume to areas of the face.
Treatment Overview
Renuva (or Renuva Adipose Matrix) is made up of the structural components of fat – collagen, proteins, growth factors – derived from human adipose (fat) cells, that serves to act like a framework where your own body will fill the framework with fat and provide it blood supply. It is developed in a form that is injected to the desired site, and does not require surgery. Full results will be seen 3 months post-treatment. It is an alternative to fat transfer in patients who do not have enough donor fat.
- Length of Surgery: 30-90 minutes
- Anesthesia: Local, +/- laughing gas
- Social Downtime: None
- Post-Treatment Instructions: None
Why is Renuva Right for You?
What is Renuva?
Injectable Adipose Allograft
Renuva is an off-the-shelf alternative to autologous fat transfer. It is used to restore volume in the face, hands and body in a short, in-office procedure. The adipose allograft is processed to preserve the extracellular matrix containing collagens, proteins, and growth factors found in adipose tissue. The resulting matrix serves as a framework to support the cellular repopulation and vascularization at the site of injection. Renuva is to be used where fat naturally exists.
Why Choose Renuva?
Features & Benefits
Renuva is an allograft adipose matrix for the restoration of volume. Aesthetic applications include cheeks, nasolabial folds, dorsum of the hand, and other areas of the body such as breast implant rippling, contour irregularities after liposuction, etc.
Renuva has also been utilized in craniofacial and other reconstructive procedures, to fill liposuction irregularities, and smooth cellulite dimples. The treatment requires no downtime, and is performed right in the doctor’s office. Renuva eliminates the need for small volume fat transfer and does not require general anesthesia.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Does Allograft Mean?
The term ‘allograft’ refers to donor tissue. Renuva injections use fat drawn from screened and tested donors.
What is a Renuva Treatment?
Renuva treatments are a gentle, non-invasive method of restoring lost volume. This procedure provides the structural framework to be filled by the natural production of your body’s own fat over time, resulting in plumper, healthier, younger looking features, reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and reduction of contour irregularities, scars or cellulite dimpling.
What is a Renuva Injection?
Renuva injections (or Renuva Adipose Matrix) consist of the structural components of fat – collagen, proteins, growth factors – derived from human adipose (fat) cells, that serves to act like a framework that your body will go on to nourish with blood supply, and fill with fat.
Does Renuva Work?
Yes, Renuva works by providing a structural framework for your fat to then fill in, and is a non-surgical treatment, with injections tailored to the area(s) being treated. The area begins to fill with fat at around 3 weeks, and can take up to 24 weeks (6 months) to see the full response. It is recommended to wait 12 weeks between sessions if doing more than one.
Is Renuva FDA Approved?
Yes, Renuva has been FDA-approved since 2016.
Is Renuva Filler Permanent?
Renuva is considered to be long lasting, in that it stimulates your body to fill the area with fat. Some areas may be best treated with a series of Renuva, rather than all at once.
How Long Does Renuva Filler Last?
Renuva is simply the structural framework, and the results are not complete until your body fills it with fat. It is thought that what you see at one year is what will generally remain.
How Much Does Renuva Cost?
The total cost depends on a number of factors, such as the size of the area(s) treated, the amount of product required, and the number of sessions recommended. The cost for a small area starts at $1,800 and up.
Ready to learn more about Renuva? Book an appointment with Dr. Anita Patel, considered one of the best plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills.

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