Having a silhouette that reflects the hard work and dedication you have put into getting to your current weight is a well deserved reward, and the finishing touch on a journey. Body contouring and Body Lifts are powerful procedures for recontouring and reshaping the figure after massive weight loss or pregnancy.
Upper body lifts and lower body lifts contour the upper and lower parts of the body respectively, and can incorporate a variety of different procedures targeting the chest, buttocks, abdomen, legs, and back. Body contouring can refer to a variety of combination procedures that help remove excess skin and fat, and tighten underlying tissues, resulting in incredible transformations.
Ready to learn more about a lower body lift? Book an appointment with Dr. Anita Patel, considered one of the best plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills.
Treatment Overview
First, you will meet with Dr. Anita Patel to share your concerns and discuss the results that you hope to achieve. This will be followed by a review of your medical history and a focused physical exam. Dr. Anita will then go over the risks and activity restrictions, and give you time to ask questions.
The upper body lift typically is made up of a breast reduction and/or lift, upper back lift, and arm lift. The Lower Body Lift is typically made up of a belt lipectomy, with possible thigh lift or buttock augmentation at the same time. Body Contouring is a general term that can refer to a number of different combination procedures. Combining specific procedures from the upper and lower body in one surgery is also an option if one is a candidate. During your consultation, Dr. Anita will recommend the specific combination of procedures best suited to achieving your desired goals, based on her experience and expertise, and accounting for your priorities.
If more than one surgery is recommended for optimal results and safety, this will be discussed during the consultation. Prior to surgery, you will fill out consent forms. These surgeries will involve general anesthesia and we recommend that you arrange to have someone drive you to and from the appointments.
- Length of Surgery: Varies based on how many procedures are done in a single surgery. Maximum surgical time is limited to 6-8 hours.
- Anesthesia: General
- Post-Op Activity: Walking is encouraged the same day to prevent blood clots. Avoid activity that places pressure or stretch on the incision areas. No full exercise until 6 weeks post-op.
- Return to Work: Approximately 2 weeks
Please Note: These are general estimates that may or may not apply to you individually.
Body Lift Q&A
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Belt Lipectomy?
A belt lipectomy gets its name from the incision wrapping all the way around the abdomen/trunk like a belt. It is a combination of a tummy tuck in the front, and excision of excess low back/upper buttock skin from the back (effectively lifting the buttock skin). Dr. Anita likes to contour that incision to follow your natural curves and anatomy, to provide the least noticeable scar possible.
What is Body Sculpting Surgery?
Body sculpting is a general term that typically refers to liposuction, used to sculpt specific curves (tailored differently for male versus female patients). In some cases, it can also be used to refer to nonsurgical treatments that provide some level of “sculpting”.
What is Body Contouring Surgery?
Body Contouring is a general term that is used to refer to combination surgical procedures like a Beverly Hills tummy tuck done typically after massive weight loss, where there are multiple areas of excess skin that need to be “tailored” or excised to fit the smaller frame.
What Procedures Are Best for Body Contour Surgery?
Body Contouring often has best results when both skin and volume of a given area is contoured. For example, the trunk or abdomen may look best with a tummy tuck to tighten the skin, and liposuction to shrink the love handles.
How is a Lower Body Lift Performed?
Lower body lifts involve surgery on the front and back sides. Often the back side is addressed first, with the excess skin removed from lower back/upper buttock, and lifting the buttocks. Next, the patient is returned to laying on their back, and the tummy tuck portion is done. If additional procedures such as monsplasty or thigh lift are to be done, and time permits, these can be done as well.
How Long Does a Lower Body Lift Take?
Typically a lower body lift takes 5-8 hours.
How Much Does Body Contouring Surgery Cost?
The cost varies widely based on what procedures are done, how involved each step will be, and the length of time in the OR. To provide you with accurate pricing information, we invite you to book an appointment with our Patient Care Coordinator by calling 310.205.0212. During that phone call, important information will be discussed and ballpark pricing will be provided.
How Long is Recovery From a Body Lift?
It is recommended that you take 2 weeks off from work. Drains are placing during surgery, and the drains typically come out during the first week, however the garments should be worn day and night for the first 2-4 weeks. Walking daily is a must (to prevent blood clots), but full exercise is not permitted until 6 weeks.

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